Don't know directly no, trying for this year, last year just flew by way faster than I thought so I didn't get much done, but now I've got all the backgrounds done so workin on typing out the text and making the event pictures, so it's being worked on just making sure to keep my art page worked regularly too
Just wanted to say, good job on this game! Short, but fun. This was really nice, and it makes me wish there were more games like this in general cause it's very hard to find Giant/Tiny games without vore, death, blood and all that stuff
Thanks, definitely plan on doing the more violent and cruel ones too, but wanted to start with something simple n clean-ish for some good spirited things too
Hey hey! just wanted to say this game was a fun and cute little thing to play through! just wondering if theres any secret endings or anything outside of the secretary ending.
i cant wait to see your next project! :D
Edit: These two characters are adorable and taya is my favorite
Lovely game, cant whait to see what yourt next project brings, if a sequel id love to see more expanding on the charachters and more endings, maybe even romance
Thankyaa, for the characters might make more images as standalones, maybe in the future have them return in another type of setting
While the next one won't be a sequel it'll still be a go around item finding one, with a different cast and focusing more on a lady's events in order instead of just based on order of what's found like this one is
Awsome game, realy enjoed it! The puzzle is a bit scetchy, but as soon as I saw guide, and word "second", I figured everything out. I think it throws a lot of people off because how unintuitive it is. Lack of visualisation for example.
This one was really fun. Yenna deserves all the growth formula she wants. Dangerously horny Kaiju-sized ladies with an eye for chaos are always good, and there aren't enough of them in, well, anything, so she in particular was a breath of fresh air. I'd be really hyped to see more stuff from you in the future.
Thankya, always fun having a gal super into growing even if she's forced to hide it or reign in the excitement
Yea it's those three size chemical scenes for each, the secret Ava one, and an ending for each character if you have all three size chemicals at once, so 13 events to each get their own picture for the gallery
This was so fun! The characters were all super cool, and I loved their personalities. And all of the endings were super cool!
Includes spoilers: (but if somebody forgot to save before doing any of the extra endings or happening upon Ava, it does just kick you out to the title screen and remove all your progress. And it's not a game where losing progress will destroy you, but that formula puzzle destroyed me)
Yea stuff like that's why I kept the answer guide in the files, and hopefully with the formula explanation pic it shouldn't be too much for others as well
Uh you might want to describe what the bug would be, cuz the issue around it sounds more like I worded the mini game poorly in it than a bug, so if it end up being a real bug and not that I'd be unsure but for it just being my bad wording then,
If you click on the vial it'll apply that to the mixture so you make sure you only add each color to each one once, when asking if you want to add another it means to that bottle specifically, and saying no means to move onto the next beaker
If you need more info on which to put in I put the answers in the game file, there's it posted there or I can let you know here
Im probably blind. But I can't find teh code for the safe. And there is apperently another potion (which I don't even know which theme it represents) + a few more images... Probably Im just blind. But yeah games is interesting I like it. Hope you will do even better in your next projects!
It gets split up in the game so you have to connect the three numbers together, by talking to the women in the lab, and by finding the last one on the notes
Then the potions which there are three, one is in the safe too so if you can't get that open you'd be unable to get the third one
If you need the answer for the safe combo, I did put it in a note document in the zip called ImageUnlockGuide, so if you open that you can just put in the number directly
And thank ya, next one will be bigger with the item finding and less of the puzzle element
Whichever you click will go right in, then it'll ask you for another for that specific chemical holder, as the beakers can need more than one kind.
I should have made it clearer, just didn't, all I can say is if it's one beaker that you want more than one in just make sure you hit the right color then hit yes to add the second color to the same beaker, and then hit no to go to the next beaker.
when you mix stuff, they will ask you if you want to add another vial. if its the last ingridient you say no. Good game!!! dwdwd!!! love these characters :3333
Yea you got it, definitely on me for doing a not great job at wording those questions, doing better at explanations is something to work on in the future
possible bug. when i put in the chemicals they don't seem to work. I gave up and looked at what you said in a previous comment to get the right code but it didn't work for some reason.
Hmm, yea not sure, just redownloaded it and tried all 4 ways to do it
PO C GlBk; OP C GlBk; PO C BkGl; and OP C BkGl all worked right
If you're saying 2 for each, make sure just putting one in the burner one, otherwise the only hting I can think of showing is direct button click steps to make sure it's done right but even if that didn't work would have no idea
hi i'm sorry but i must me doumb cuz i used the ImageUnlockGuide and tryed all the combinations with the chemicals it said and all i get is a mess could you help me please?
Nah no worries, this is why it was a test to make sure it all worked well, and what I should do differently for things in the future, I didn't expect everyone to do everything right
For the spiral and big ones the order of which you add from the key doesn't matter but you do have to put both into those things
So I'll spoil it here in more detail if anyone doesn't wanna see the spoiler don't read
So it starts saying add to the spiral, you do orange or purple, then it'll ask if you want to add another, meaning another to the spiral so you say yes and do either orange or purple, whichever one you didn't do first then when asked for another you say no
Then for the burner you just put in the clear, when asked for another you say no
Then the big one you do the same for the spiral but with black and glow
Hope that helps, if still confused or struggling lemme know
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Kogochew do you know when its going to be next game? please
Don't know directly no, trying for this year, last year just flew by way faster than I thought so I didn't get much done, but now I've got all the backgrounds done so workin on typing out the text and making the event pictures, so it's being worked on just making sure to keep my art page worked regularly too
Thanks a Lot I cant wait this game was awesome stay awesome
hey love the game so far but how do I open the safe I have the numbers and order but its saying it's wrong can you help me out
Glad to hear, just gotta make sure there's no spaces and the orders right
But in case something's wrong with it I tested and worked as this
I've exprienced the whole game, and it's out of my expectation! A very lovely game! (BTW I like Yenna more)
Glad to hear and thankyaa
Yup lotsa love for the wild, makes sense
I wonder if you have any plans to make a few more things for the two outside the game?
Yeah I've been getting some one off pics planned in the future, gonna try and mix in more pics this year while working on the next game and such
Just wanted to say, good job on this game! Short, but fun. This was really nice, and it makes me wish there were more games like this in general cause it's very hard to find Giant/Tiny games without vore, death, blood and all that stuff
Thanks, definitely plan on doing the more violent and cruel ones too, but wanted to start with something simple n clean-ish for some good spirited things too
Hey hey!
just wanted to say this game was a fun and cute little thing to play through! just wondering if theres any secret endings or anything outside of the secretary ending.
i cant wait to see your next project! :D
Edit: These two characters are adorable and taya is my favorite
Aw thanks glad you enjoyed
Nope, Ava's end is the only non needing potions special end one, if there's no more locked gallery pictures then you're all set
Hi, I was wondering if there will be any future additions to CG of nudity or exposed sex organs?
Nope keeping it small and simple and mostly clean on this one
very awsome game
Lovely game, cant whait to see what yourt next project brings, if a sequel id love to see more expanding on the charachters and more endings, maybe even romance
Thankyaa, for the characters might make more images as standalones, maybe in the future have them return in another type of setting
While the next one won't be a sequel it'll still be a go around item finding one, with a different cast and focusing more on a lady's events in order instead of just based on order of what's found like this one is
Not a bad game, will be interesting to see what you do to expand upon it!
Thanks, was a good experiment toe dip, gonna try and take some feedback off of it for future interactive plans
Awsome game, realy enjoed it! The puzzle is a bit scetchy, but as soon as I saw guide, and word "second", I figured everything out. I think it throws a lot of people off because how unintuitive it is. Lack of visualisation for example.
For sure, somethin I just didn't think about during, good note on making things a bit more clear what's happening if I do puzzle stuff in the future
This one was really fun. Yenna deserves all the growth formula she wants. Dangerously horny Kaiju-sized ladies with an eye for chaos are always good, and there aren't enough of them in, well, anything, so she in particular was a breath of fresh air. I'd be really hyped to see more stuff from you in the future.
Just to be clear, the endings are:
1. Shrink for the three main characters
2. Grow for the three main characters
3. Grow+ for the the three main characters
4. Ava ending
Am I missing any?
Thankya, always fun having a gal super into growing even if she's forced to hide it or reign in the excitement
Yea it's those three size chemical scenes for each, the secret Ava one, and an ending for each character if you have all three size chemicals at once, so 13 events to each get their own picture for the gallery
This was so fun! The characters were all super cool, and I loved their personalities. And all of the endings were super cool!
Includes spoilers: (but if somebody forgot to save before doing any of the extra endings or happening upon Ava, it does just kick you out to the title screen and remove all your progress. And it's not a game where losing progress will destroy you, but that formula puzzle destroyed me)
Thanks glad you enjoyed
Yea stuff like that's why I kept the answer guide in the files, and hopefully with the formula explanation pic it shouldn't be too much for others as well
How do I fix the bug with the beakers i've tried closing and reopening, reloading save, and nothing works :(
Uh you might want to describe what the bug would be, cuz the issue around it sounds more like I worded the mini game poorly in it than a bug, so if it end up being a real bug and not that I'd be unsure but for it just being my bad wording then,
If you click on the vial it'll apply that to the mixture so you make sure you only add each color to each one once, when asking if you want to add another it means to that bottle specifically, and saying no means to move onto the next beaker
If you need more info on which to put in I put the answers in the game file, there's it posted there or I can let you know here
If what I said didn't make sense I did put up a guide explaining it above, hopefully better than just text can
Im probably blind. But I can't find teh code for the safe. And there is apperently another potion (which I don't even know which theme it represents) + a few more images... Probably Im just blind. But yeah games is interesting I like it. Hope you will do even better in your next projects!
It gets split up in the game so you have to connect the three numbers together, by talking to the women in the lab, and by finding the last one on the notes
Then the potions which there are three, one is in the safe too so if you can't get that open you'd be unable to get the third one
If you need the answer for the safe combo, I did put it in a note document in the zip called ImageUnlockGuide, so if you open that you can just put in the number directly
And thank ya, next one will be bigger with the item finding and less of the puzzle element
Whichever you click will go right in, then it'll ask you for another for that specific chemical holder, as the beakers can need more than one kind.
I should have made it clearer, just didn't, all I can say is if it's one beaker that you want more than one in just make sure you hit the right color then hit yes to add the second color to the same beaker, and then hit no to go to the next beaker.
Some people might say Yenna needs fixing but she doesn't. She's perfect.
Sometimes you need that wild spice mixed in around you
very cute game!!! i have the same bug with chems tho :(((
when you mix stuff, they will ask you if you want to add another vial. if its the last ingridient you say no.
Good game!!! dwdwd!!! love these characters :3333
Yea you got it, definitely on me for doing a not great job at wording those questions, doing better at explanations is something to work on in the future
But glad you enjoyed it!
possible bug. when i put in the chemicals they don't seem to work. I gave up and looked at what you said in a previous comment to get the right code but it didn't work for some reason.
I would hope not a bug, wouldn't be too sure how to fix it
Did you put in 2 for both the spiral and big or just one in each?
2 for each
Hmm, yea not sure, just redownloaded it and tried all 4 ways to do it
PO C GlBk; OP C GlBk; PO C BkGl; and OP C BkGl all worked right
If you're saying 2 for each, make sure just putting one in the burner one, otherwise the only hting I can think of showing is direct button click steps to make sure it's done right but even if that didn't work would have no idea
This was a delight <3 incredibly excited to see more of your work in the future ^^
thank yoou, glad you enjoyed, definitely have a good handful of future planned ones to make too
hi i'm sorry but i must me doumb cuz i used the ImageUnlockGuide and tryed all the combinations with the chemicals it said and all i get is a mess could you help me please?
Nah no worries, this is why it was a test to make sure it all worked well, and what I should do differently for things in the future, I didn't expect everyone to do everything right
For the spiral and big ones the order of which you add from the key doesn't matter but you do have to put both into those things
So I'll spoil it here in more detail if anyone doesn't wanna see the spoiler don't read
So it starts saying add to the spiral, you do orange or purple, then it'll ask if you want to add another, meaning another to the spiral so you say yes and do either orange or purple, whichever one you didn't do first then when asked for another you say no
Then for the burner you just put in the clear, when asked for another you say no
Then the big one you do the same for the spiral but with black and glow
Hope that helps, if still confused or struggling lemme know
thanks it works. i think it would be cool to see shrink + option other than that is good in my opinion ps love the game.
Alright glad to hear
Will we be having lewd sizes?
Maybe in future games I'll up some naughtiness, wanted the first one or two to stay relatively clean
And don't be holding back - absolutely LOVE your first work.